I am blessed beyond reason.

I have three children who often share their plans for what they want to do when they "grow up". They go back and forth between their dream careers and how they plan to reach them. Each time we have these talks I remind them of the most important consideration...Follow Your Passion and Do What You LOVE! This is so important because when you do what you love, it doesn't feel like work. What a blessing to be able to go to work and be excited about being there. When your work makes you feel like you are contributing, or making a difference in the lives of others... what more could you ask for? I am thankful I am able to set an example of this for them. I look forward to going to school each day.

I have the honor of working with amazing educators who live by this mantra, making it a point to do what's best for kids. They continuously set an example for our students that hard work and education leads to completed goals and dreams. They educate themselves in best practices...and then share it with the rest of us! Bethany Hill, our lead learner, challenged the teachers in our building to share resources such as, great articles, blogs, podcasts, graphics, anchor charts, literally anything that could lift someone up or inspire them. She encouraged us to share them on our school hashtag. Let me say if your school does not have a hashtag, you should suggest it ASAP! It is so awesome to have a link that is literally full of resources that are relatable to what you're doing daily! So fabulous!

We use our resources to keep up to date in our teaching practices, grow our understanding in certain areas we may not know a lot about, share ideas for the classroom, educate ourselves on current best practices, learn more about something we want to try, or find something to make our lesson a little more engaging. Our resources can inspire us...change who we are as a teacher. Most importantly our resources can help us, as teachers, to make a fundamental difference in someone else's life. I love to see what the other educators in my building are thinking about and researching, or maybe what graphic helped inspire them that day. It's uplifting...and encouraging...It's an ongoing, cumulative, collection of pure resource goodness! So in honor of Thanksgiving and all things I am thankful for... I am listing some of my favorite resources here for you to explore. Enjoy!
A Few of My Favorite Things...
Edutopia Literally, I could get lost reading all the amazing articles on this website!
Growth Mindset How it started a revolution and what you can do to promote it!
I hope you enjoy these resources as much as I do. If you're like me, each of these links will take you to several other links and before you know it, you won't remember where you started! Happy clicking and make sure to share out your own favorite resources!
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