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One Word...One Focus

The new year is around the corner and with it comes the promise of a fresh start...a new beginning. With every new beginning comes a new plan. This feeling of "new" provokes a childlike excitement in me. A feeling of "anything is possible" starts to grow inside me and compels me to give it the focused attention it is yearning for.

So a plan must be created! A plan to take this new beginning by the horns and initiate a non-stop, full speed ahead, anything is possible determination that in the end will leave me standing with a satisfied smile on my face. A feeling of accomplishment...

One word...
This is the beginning of my plan. One word that will give me the focus to see the goal at the end of my "new beginning". What will that word can't be just any has to be a word I've thought about, prayed about, sat with, to determine that it will be the one...the guiding focus for my new beginning.

It happened yesterday. I was driving around town, running errands with my kids, and it came to me. The word I'd been searching for and praying for, suddenly was there like a neon sign flashing in my mind.  Yes, this was it, how perfectly it described my thoughts and plans.

This word fits every aspect of my life. It will provide me a focus for each part.  A most precious reminder...

MY GOALS for 2017

1. I will seek my Saviour in everything I do, because I know when I put God first in my life, everything else falls into place. He is sure to bless me, provide a way for me, and protect me through all of life's struggles which inevitably come! He is my peacemaker and sets the example for me. An example, that if I follow, will make me a better follower of Him, a better wife, mother, friend, and teacher to my amazing students. So I will choose to seek Him first.

2. I will seek out purposeful time with my family. As an educator I am passionate about providing my students with the most genuine, individualized plan for instruction that I can. This takes  a lot of time and planning and can easily take over every minute of my day. Add to that the incredible journey I am currently taking through my National Board Certification and you are left with a very dangerous tendency to overlook the people closest to you...your family.  I am blessed with a very understanding, supportive family, but they want to see their mother and wife and spend quality time with me. More importantly I recognize how vital that is for my well being! I am a much better educator when I am rested and feel like I am balanced. So I will choose to seek out meaningful time for my family.

3. I will seek to be a better educator than I was the day before. With each day I am given the opportunity to do things better than I did the day before. It may be something as simple as striving to have a better attitude than I had the day before.  I will seek out education that informs me on the latest strategies, skills, techniques, and resources so I ensure that I am always using best practices. I will make a commitment to do what is right for my students socially, emotionally, and academically...even if it means I am standing outside the box of traditional education. I want my students to feel cared for, loved, safe, and understand that they can and will learn. So I will seek to be the best educator I can be. word, but with so many applications. It amazes me how one word can initiate so much focus in so many different areas of a person's life.  I am excited to see what this new year holds for me.  I am wise enough to know that it will come with struggle, heartache, defeat... so many things that can weigh me down and make me want to give up. However, I will use my look for the joy, love, and victory that will also be present in my future. I will choose to seek the good instead of dwelling on the negative.

2017 is right around the corner and with it will come new adventures, completion of old adventures, opportunities to inspire, and a chance to make a difference in the world around me.  It's an amazing time of year to seek out the joy around you and hold onto it so that you can spread it to those around you.  This is my plan...I will seek it all. I will find balance through my faith, my family, and my career. I will...

Happy New Year


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Melody Eldred said...
    Thank you for this Liz. 2016 was not a good year for me and I am happy it is over. Although it was not a good year, I will not let it affect my attitude going into 2017. I want to enter the year with a positive attitude and ready to accomplish my goals. I too want to seek the Lord and everything that I do. I will be doing my best to give him all control over everything. I will strive for this and trust in him and his plan. I really needed to read this this morning. Thank you and merry Christmas! <3

  3. So glad you enjoyed reading it! Have a Happy New Year!


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