The classroom is so quiet...everyone sitting in rows. There is another look shot my way...a comment to 'please stop' said in my direction. I can feel the stress rising in my body. I know...I know. Later, I will place the note in my backpack. A note that will explain to my parents that I continuously made distracting noises even though I had been asked to stop. I look up to see a girl two desks in front of me looking at me with a smirk. She is now giggling as she mimics me. She looks at the girl across the aisle from her. They are both giggling now. My face is red. I feel hot. I didn't know, I want to say to them both. They don't understand...I don't understand. The stress is's getting worse. Another comment, another look... "I'm trying!" I want to yell at the top of my lungs. Please stop looking at me, talking to me about don't realize it, but you're making it worse. I'd like to say I won't do it again,...
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